Hiya! My name is Rosalina! Nice to meet you!
I'm the host of the collective, so you'll see me the most!
I'm quite shy, but very laid-back once I get comfortable!
Some interests include cooking, photography, & finding new music! You should ask me for the playlist.
I also do software/game testing in my free time! Gotta keep quiet, though!

H-hello! I'm Nyx! I hope we can be friends?
I don't know my role here... but I do my best to help where I can!
I can be quite anxious, so please be patient!
I mostly like to chat with friends! Tell me about things you love!
I'm apparently very funny too! Also cat!

Hey, I'm Jupiter. How are you~?
I seem to be the protector of the collective. It's definitely needed...
I'll fill this out later. I'm not actually fond of fronting if I don't have to... unless something interests me.

Hello, my name is Esva. A pleasure to meet you.
Archivist and avid reader. Learning everything I can about humans to assist where possible.
I am a very rare sight to see. I like to stay in the back and observe.
Please do not make me front unless absolutely required. I do not enjoy it. The body is foreign and uncomfortable.

Aurora Placeholder. Description TBD.

Thanks for taking the time to check this out! We're the Stargazer Collective!
We're pretty much just a group of five varying creatures and people trying to make it by in this chaotic world.
I'm sure I'll think of more to put in here eventually... maybe.

Rosalina's icon by Daikei_625
Nyx's icon by Rariatoo
Jupiter's icon by Color_LES
Esva's icon by ???
Aurora's icon by confused_haki

I forgot what was supposed to be in this section. Dang.